A heartfelt letter from our customer

A heartfelt letter from our customer

Small Eatery, Big Impact: Transforming Our Business with Pakio's Sustainable Coffee Cups

Dear Pakio,

I am writing to express my heartfelt support and gratitude for your commitment to environmental protection. As the owner of a small eatery and your customer, I want to share how your products, especially your paper coffee cups, have impacted my perspective and business practices.

In the past, I wasn't an environmentalist. I was aware of the deteriorating state of our environment, but it seemed distant - just occasional news about plastic waste piling up somewhere or children living in garbage-filled areas. My immediate surroundings looked fine, so I didn't give environmental issues much thought, even as I served countless drinks in single wall coffee cups.

Everything changed when my children bought numerous small plastic toys for their birthday celebration. As I cleaned up the plastic debris daily, I complained to my husband, who is environmentally conscious. He showed us a documentary that opened our eyes to the consequences of our plastic waste, including the harm caused by disposable coffee cups.

We saw how our discarded plastics end up in oceans, causing suffering and death to various animals. We learned about fish ingesting toxic substances from degraded plastics, which eventually make their way back to us through the food chain, causing various diseases. It was a shocking revelation that made me reconsider every single wall and double wall coffee cup we were using.

专题报道】世界海洋日:保护海洋向塑料污染宣战| | 1联合国新闻

This experience made me realize that despite our seemingly clean and comfortable lives, we cannot ignore our responsibility to protect the environment and the animals we coexist with. As the saying goes, "If bees disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live." We shouldn't wait until it's too late to act.

Since then, I've committed to using eco-friendly materials in my business, even if it means higher costs and lower profits. I started by replacing our conventional paper coffee cups with sustainable options. I believe in leading by example and spreading this message to everyone around me. Loving others is loving ourselves, and I believe the Earth will care for those who care for it.

What does eco-friendly mean? The difference between green and sustainable -  renouvo

Discovering Pakio has not only helped me reduce costs but also supported me in my journey towards sustainability. Your range of single wall and double wall coffee cups made from eco-friendly materials has been a game-changer for my business. These paper coffee cups allow me to serve our customers while minimizing our environmental impact.

I hope we can all work together to protect our planet and care for our environment. Thank you, Pakio, for your dedication to providing eco-friendly solutions, especially your innovative paper coffee cups. Your work makes a significant difference and inspires others like me to take action.

